
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Essential Neroli Oil | What It Is And Why To Use It - Review

If we want to use a product, we have to know it better, right. Some people very particulars and some not. Today, I will share some nice information about Essential Neroli Oil.

Where did Neroli oil get its name? For your information, Neroli oil took its name from Anna Maria de La Tremoille, who was once the Duchess of Bracciano and the Princess of Nerola. She is given this credit for introducing this essential oil to Italy's most affluent members of society, in the 17th century. From this statement, essential Neroli oil has been used about 4 centuries old. No wonder it has its quality and quite expensive.

You must be wondering about the use of essential Neroli oil at that time. Alright, let me explain to you. During that period of time, Neroli oil was often used in bath water or as a perfume on stationary and clothing. Its rich, floral scent gained almost instant popularity and was used commercially by J.M. Farina, the famous Italian perfume manufacturer. In 1709, he began selling an essential oil blend of Bergamot, Lavender, Lemon, Petitgrain, Rosemary and Neroli. He called this magical blend "Eau de Cologne". Eau de Cologne is still quite well known today 's modern world perfume and cologne arena.

The historical studies found that Neroli oil had along long way run before got into Italy. Neroli oil completed a journey spanning several centuries. From the also believed that Neroli oil originated in South-East Asia, before traveling to India, Burma and China. Neroli oil was considered a valuable trading item. Because of this, it continued to spread to other regions of the world including Africa, Arabia and Syria. Then, thanks to the Moors, it made its way further north and further west. Neroli oil was eventually carried into the Mediterranean region. And, by the end of the 12th century bitter orange trees were being cultivated in Seville, Spain for the production of this highly sought essential oil. That is a little bit historical refreshment to ponder.

How can we manage to attain essential Neroli oil? Neroli oil is the extracted essential oil of fragrant blossoms from the bitter orange tree (Citrus aurantium sub.sp amara). Furthermore, all traces of debris, including green leaves and twigs must be removed by hand before the orange blossoms may be used in the distillation. This done to produce a 100% pure essential Neroli oil.

How many orange blossoms are required to produced essential Neroli oil? The anwer is very similar to rose oil. This essential Neroli oil is extremely expensive driven by the enormous amount of blossoms required to produce essential Neroli oil. For your information, 1 ton of orange blossoms are required to produce one quart of Neroli oil. Can you imagine that?

How can essential Neroli oil benefit to mankind? From the studies, essential Neroli oil possess flowery or spicy scents which may promote emotional balance. Essential Neroli oil is also well known for providing people mentally and physically relaxing aspects.

What can essential Neroli oil really do in 'mentally aspects'? Neroli oil can be used to overcome panic, shock, depression, mental exhaustion or anxiety and make someone calm and relax. Besides it may also assist with insomnia cases. These benefits may be achieved by deeply inhaling the fragrance or by rubbing a drop or two directly onto the solar plexus. You may feel relief and feel half of your problems resolve, right?

What can essential Neroli oil really do in 'physically aspects'? For this aspect, Neroli oil may assist people who always has menstrual cramps. For this case, you can add it to a bathtub and enjoy as home therapeutic session. Also not forget by massaging your abdomen with the dilution of essential Neroli oil and 10% in pure apricot oil. For those who has intestinal disorders, you may find essential Neroli oil will have you a lot. This is caused that essential Neroli oil contains anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic characteristics, which can make it possible to support . Furthermore, Neroli oil also possesses anti-spasmodic properties that can settle down a racing heart and heart palpitations. What a relief, right?

What other benefits that essential Neroli oil may give you? For your information, Neroli oil has proven capability to assist the body with healthy skin. For the best results, essential Neroli oil should be mixed and blended with a hypoallergenic carrier lotion or base cream rather than a carrier oil. How this is hapened? When the blended mixture is applied regularly to the skin, Neroli oil has been noted improve varicose veins and skin elasticity. Beside, its can support the body's ability to develop new skin cells when working to soften the skin, wrinkles and scars. Neroli oil may also be capable to regulate the oiliness, minimize enlarged pores and last but not least, clear the blemishes. But make sure, please consult your physician before beginning any course of treatment.

Hopefully you enjoy your reading and gain some knowledge about Essential Neroli Oil.


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